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Could Lymphatic Drainage Massage Help You? Our Doctor’s Take.

This super-charged massage is getting lots of attention. Does it deserve a spot in your self-care routine? We asked Parsley Health physician Aubre Weber, DO. You’ve probably heard about the anxiet...

Carly Graf
Heard of Food Combining? Get a Dietitian’s Take.

Just like every other trendy diet, food combining promises some pretty amazing things. But also like every other trendy diet, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Before you print that...

5 Things Your Doctor Can Learn Just By Looking at You

Your doctor can tell a lot just by looking at you. Just how much? So much that our doctors have built an entire examination around it, no hopping up on an exam table required. At Parsley Health, we...

Why A Health Coach Is Key to Your Success

When it comes to optimizing our health, more information isn’t always helpful—it’s often just more confusing. While one compelling Netflix documentary warns you about the negative health effects o...

Complete Care Anywhere: Your New Doctor, Now Online

A typical doctor visit might go something like this: you walk in, fill out a cumbersome intake form for the hundredth time, then sit in a tired, lifeless waiting room way past your appointment time....

This Cellular Process Is The Key to Healthy Aging

You may have heard the term “autophagy” before, maybe in the context of intermittent fasting, sleep , or exercise. But what is autophagy, really? And how do we make sure our body is performing this...

Are Plant-Based Meats Really Healthy?

Plant-based meats are having a moment. You know the type: “burgers” that are supposed to “bleed” and taste like meat, without actually containing any animal products. Brands like Beyond and Impossib...

Got gut issues? The low FODMAP diet may help

For many years, people with functional gastrointestinal issues, issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , faced limited options for managing thei...

Why Do I Get Night Sweats and How Can I Stop Them?

Night sweats are common in women of all ages—here’s what could be causing them. Does waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, drenched with damp sheets and pjs sound all too familiar?...

10 Plant-Based Breakfast Ideas to Have on Rotation

Starting your day with a nutritious, filling, and energizing meal is the best way to get your day going on the right track, and a plant-based breakfast is the perfect place to start. Try some of our...

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Purchasing Prenatal Vitamins? Maximize the Benefits By Looking for These Key Ingredients
5 Things I’ve Learned About Creating Lasting Habits After Coaching Over 500 People
Why SIBO Comes Back, Plus 7 Ways You Can Prevent SIBO Recurrence

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