
Latest from Nausea
8 Ways Digestive Bitters Can Optimize Digestion and Curb Stomach Woes

Anyone can experience sluggish digestion from time to time. Symptoms like bloating , heartburn, and acid reflux can be signs that your digestive system could use a bit of help to keep things runnin...

Mercey Livingston
How to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve: 8 Exercises to Try for Calm

Did you know you actually have a chill-out button in your back pocket ? It’s called the vagus nerve . (And, yes, vagus nerve stimulation is a thing.) “The vagus nerve connects the brain to the bo...

Could Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth Be The Mysterious Cause of Your GI Troubles?

SIFO stands for small intestinal fungal overgrowth—and it’s responsible for a range of seriously unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating , abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Often, it can get...

9 Signs You Have Low Stomach Acid

We usually link heartburn and upset stomach to soaring levels of stomach acid. But the truth is, many digestive complaints are the result of low stomach acid. And most people have no idea. Get t...

Digestion Feeling Off? This Common Reason Could Be Why

Somewhere between washing your hands 25 times a day, panicking about job stability, stressing over the state of the country, co-working with your significant other from the kitchen table, and not s...

5 Diverticulitis Diet Tips To Minimize Attacks And Feel Your Best

If you have diverticulitis, you know how painful flare-ups can be. However, your nutrition choices can help you tame these unpleasant attacks, and keep them from ever coming back. Here’s how. What...

Food Sensitivities Are More Common Than You Think. Do You Have One?

Experiencing gut problems? You could be having a reaction to the food you’re eating. Here’s what to know about food sensitivities, intolerances, and allergies. Food reactions can happen to anybody—...

How to Break A Fast (The Healthy Way)

It might seem like everyone you know is doing some version of intermittent fasting , an eating pattern where you restrict food to certain hours of the day (usually a 6- or 8-hour window) or days of...

Got gut issues? The low FODMAP diet may help

For many years, people with functional gastrointestinal issues, issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , faced limited options for managing thei...

10 Foods to Relieve Constipation

We’ve all been there—those hours, or even days, when your body is just not cooperating. But rather than turning to laxatives or other over-the-counter solutions, try giving one of these many foods t...

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5 Things I’ve Learned About Creating Lasting Habits After Coaching Over 500 People
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Purchasing Prenatal Vitamins? Maximize the Benefits By Looking for These Key Ingredients

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