
Latest from Sleep
Why Your Sleep Routine Needs A Power Hour (And How to Make It Happen)

Good news if getting out of bed in the morning is a struggle for you: Re-evaluating your bedtime routine—not just what you do the first thing you wake up—could make a big difference in how you start...

Tiffany Ayuda
8 Healthy Sleep Habits You Need to Adopt For Better Overall Wellness

Sleep is such a fixture in our everyday lives that it can easily slip down on our list of priorities. But, according to health experts, healthy sleep habits deserve a fixed spot at number one. “Sle...

3 Reasons Why Naps Deserve a Spot in Your Self-Care Routine

To nap or not to nap? Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of napping as an adult. While working from home can have its challenges, we’ve also collectively learned many of the perks. Chief...

The Best Sleeping Positions, Based on Your Health Concerns

Choosing to snooze on your belly, back, or side can help you reach your health goals. Find the best sleeping position for you and feel your best in the morning. You know that better zzzs are critic...

Lying Awake? 13 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep And What to Do

Wanting to fall asleep but not being able to is an incredibly frustrating experience. It’s also an extremely common one. In fact, doctors are seeing this type of insomnia so frequently these days,...

Think You’re Doomed By Genetics? Here’s Why You Have More Control Than You Think

Discovering you have certain genes that predispose you to life-changing conditions—such as diabetes, dementia, or cancer—can make you feel like you have no control over your future health. However,...

You May Be Grinding Your Teeth—And Have No Idea. This Three-Step Plan Will Help.

If you’ve noticed jaw tightness, are struggling through grueling TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, or find yourself massaging your jaw frequently, you may be grinding your teeth without even reali...

Why You’re Waking Up in the Middle of The Night and What You Can Do About It

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep you’re not alone. According to the CDC , 35 percent of adults are short on sleep. Not surprisingly, the stress of coronavirus isn’t helping. One of the...

Pam Moore
What Are Chronotypes, and How Do They Affect Your Sleep?

If you’ve ever wondered why you can pop out of bed in the morning no problem while your partner or friend can sleep until noon, there’s actually science behind this. Meet your chronotype. Have trou...

Tired All the Time? Here’s What Could Be Behind Your Fatigue.

Usually, the equation is simple: if you’re a new parent getting up multiple times per night with your baby, you’re going to be tired. Or if you’re working on a big (but temporary) project at work, y...

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