Does Magnesium Help With Bloating?

Robin Berzin, MD
Medically Reviewed
August 26, 2024

This article contains additional reporting by Angela Myers.

A bloated stomach is the ultimate downer. The good news is that usually, bloating can be easily fixed with small changes to your diet, activity level, and daily routine. A question we commonly get at Parsley Health is, "does magnesium help with bloating?"

Continue reading to learn the truth about magnesium for bloating, as well as nine other easy ways to stop bloating.

Magnesium for bloating

Many patients at Parsley Health that are low in magnesium often complain of bloating . Talk to your doctor about starting a probiotic , magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate. These two types of magnesium are effective, but dont have the same laxative affect as other types, which can cause diarrhea. Take magnesium supplements with a large glass of water when you go to bed and another first thing in the morning. For an extra belly flattening bonus, try giving yourself a belly massage (Here’s how to do it. )

You can also add more magnesium to your diet via magnesium rich foods , such as:

  • Bananas
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Avocados
  • Soy products
  • Whole grains
  • Milk

Other benefits of magnesium

Magnesium offers other benefits besides reducing bloating. Some of the most common include:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Increasing bone mineral density and strengthening bones
  • Reducing the likelihood of migraine headaches
  • Improving sleep

Whether you opt for magnesium supplementation or to add more to your diet naturally, you should be able to experience these benefits and, potentially, reduced bloating.

Magnesium side effects and toxicity

While magnesium can be a great addition to a healthy diet, it shouldn't be overdone. Large amounts of magnesium can lead to toxicity and side effects like muscle weakness and sleepiness. In severe cases, magnesium toxicity can cause seizures, personality changes, and muscle cramps.

It's important to note that getting too much magnesium is hard to do, especially from diet alone. If you are taking a supplement, consult a doctor who can advise you on dosage and frequency.

9 other ways to beat a bloated stomach

Magnesium isn't the only line of defense for a bloated stomach. These other nine dietary tips can help reduce bloating and calm other digestive symptoms.

1. Skip the burger buns.

Say thanks but no thanks to the white flour in buns, pizza, pasta salads, and donuts. These foods contain very little fiber , so they tend to clog up your digestive system, especially if you have irritable bowel syndrome or another gastrointestinal condition. Instead, have the burger, pickles, tomato, extra greens, and even the fries (especially if they’re sweet potato and baked instead of fried).

2. Eat more fiber.

Go big on fiber-rich foods like vegetables, gluten -free grains, and low-sugar fruit like berries. These natural foods increase the transit time of food in your system, decreasing chances of a bloated stomach. They also help eliminate toxic chemicals and excess hormones, which decrease your chances of reabsorbing them into the body.

3. Hydrate when you wake up.

Start your day with a large glass of warm water with lemon and fresh ginger. Warm water helps to stimulate digestion, while ginger and the citric acid in lemon can aid digestion. This provides immediate digestive relief and rehydration after a long night’s sleep .

4. Tone down the bubbles and booze.

Bubbles are gas by definition, so go easy on carbonated things like champagne and beer to lower your chances of a bloated stomach. At Parsley Health, our most frequent recommendation for consuming alcohol is to cut wine and beer altogether and stick to vodka, white tequila, and mezcal instead. This is especially important for people who have digestive issues, imbalances in gut bacteria, food sensitivities , or blood sugar issues, as these forms of alcohol have very little residual sugar or toxins. (If you can find organic producers of these alcohols, even better.)

I also recommend two days off of drinking for every one day that you drink so your body has time to repair and detoxify and so that you do not become dependent on alcohol.

5. Go for a long walk.

Exercise can help to expel any gas that might be causing bloat and increases your circulation, which aids digestion. This helps things move along in your intestinal tract. Even if you feel too uncomfortable for a full workout, light cardio, like a 30-minute walk, and performing cat-cow pose or torso twisting can make a big difference. And what better time to get outside?

6. Face your angst head on.

Anxiety tends to hide in your belly, where it stalls digestion and perpetuates your nervousness. Check in with yourself regularly and keep up your daily 10-minute meditations . You need that time now more than ever.

7. Eat mindfully.

Rather than scarfing down your meal, try to incorporate mindfulness practices into your dinner routine to avoid overeating. Studies show that mindful eating leads to greater improvements in glucose levels and heart health compared to traditional weight-loss programs. Before you eat, take three deep breaths to slow your mind and make you more aware of your food. Eat in a seated position with your feet grounded on the floor and chew thoroughly, aiming for about 20 times per bite.

8. Chew on fennel seeds.

Fennel is a great way to fight gas and bloating . Its anti-inflammatory properties will help calm your stomach and digestive track. Try chewing on fennel seeds or drinking a cup of fennel tea to relax your intestinal muscles. (If you’re pregnant, our health coaches caution to avoid fennel.)

9. Cut back on the snacking.

As snacking throughout the day typically leads to consuming more calories, a healthy habit can quickly become harmful. Though it’s second nature for many, it often leads to overeating and short term weight gain . To avoid this, try to reduce grazing and give yourself at least 3 hours between meals.
These quick fixes will help you combat bloat this season, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Avoiding white flour, eating more fiber, skipping carbonated beverages, and supplementing for digestive health can be practiced year round to prevent belly bloat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What magnesium is best for bloating?

Magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate is known for relaxing the gastrointestinal tract, reducing bloating and constipation. If interested in magnesium for bloating in particular, look for a supplement or foods with magnesium citrate specifically. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes are good places to start.

Can magnesium make you less bloated?

Magnesium reduces bloating because it helps keep digestion regular. Magnesium citrate in particular is known for relaxing the gastrointestinal tract.

Does magnesium help with belly fat?

Magnesium keeps the gastrointestinal tract regular, reduces bloating, and may be beneficial for the gut microbiome. However, it probably won't help with extra pounds around the waist. A 2021 study found it didn't lead to significant weight changes in patients who were overweight.

Does magnesium help with gut issues?

This article contains additional reporting by Angela Myers .

Magnesium keeps the gastrointestinal tract working as usual, reducing bloating and constipation. While beneficial, magnesium isn't a cure for bad gut health, but part of sustainable lifestyle changes that reduce bloating and support a healthy gut.

If you still frequently experience bloating, you may need to further adjust your diet, or address other potential digestive issues or hormonal imbalances. Speak to a Parsley Health doctor to get back on track.

Dr. Robin Berzin is the Founder and CEO of Parsley Health, America's leading holistic medical practice designed to help women overcome chronic conditions. She founded Parsley to address the rising tide of chronic disease in America through personalized holistic medicine that puts food, lifestyle, and proactive diagnostic testing on the prescription pad next to medications. Since founding Parsley in 2016, Dr. Berzin has seen 80% of patients improve or resolve their chronic conditions within their first year of care, demonstrating the life-changing value of making modern holistic medicine accessible to everyone, anywhere. Parsley is available online nationwide.

Dr. Berzin attended medical school at Columbia University and trained in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Her book, Prescription for Happiness: How to Eat, Move, and Supplement for Peak Mental Health, was published by Simon Element in January 2022.

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