Fiber. The forgotten superfood that balances your body + protects your lungs

Parsley Health
March 2, 2016

Let’s be honest, there’s nothing sexy or exciting about fiber. It’s one of the unsung heroes in a balanced diet and rarely gets the glamorous kudos that probiotics, Vitamin D, omega 3’s, turmeric or Coconut Oil may get.

But it totally should.

Recent research published last month made fiber a superhero again, showing that a diet high in fiber reduces the chance of lung disease by 40-50%.

Amazing, right?

You’re probably wondering how this could be the case. What is it about fiber that makes it so powerful? Simply put, it helps reduce inflammation . Since inflammation is a big contributor to the development of disease in the first place, this is very important. And in the study cited above, C-reactive protein that plays a role in the body’s inflammatory response, appeared to be reduced in people who eat fiber on the regular.

But that’s not all. Here’s what else FIBER does for you:

1. Balances Your Hormones

Fibrous food helps to regulate levels estrogen in the body. Studies have shown that women on a high-fiber diet have lower levels of circulating estrogen, meaning less estrogen stimulation of breast tissue, for example, which reduces the risk of breast cancer.

2. Keeps You Full

When we eat fiber, it stays in our stomach longer than refined foods. This promotes a feeling of fullness and makes us less likely to eat more food unnecessarily or grab sugary snacks when we get antsy.

3. Moves Out Toxins

Consuming enough fibrous foods is essential to having healthy bowel movements; ones where the toxins are effectively removed from the body through the colon. Without fiber, those toxins may pile up, causing constipation and the reabsorption of toxins.

4. Balances Blood Sugar.

Fiber slows the rate at which glucose is released into the bloodstream from the food we eat. As food leaves the stomach more slowly, the amount of insulin needed to clear sugar from the bloodstream is lowered, stabilizing blood sugar.

5. Lowers Cholesterol and can Reduce the risk of Diabetes and Heart disease

Say no more.

So how much fiber should we be eating per day to get the key benefits?

We recommend 30-40 grams per day. Which is easy to get to if you focus on eating plant based paleo . Up your intake of beans, berries, gluten -free grains, fresh fibrous veggies (with their skins on), nuts and seeds.

Try eating more fiber for a while and see how it goes. Then tell us all about it 😉

ps. Parsley’s Rebuild Protein Shake has 10+% of your daily recommended fiber content, plus good healthy fat and 26g of vegan protein per serving. I boost up the fiber content each morning with organic frozen blueberries, almond butter, flax seeds and greens 🙂

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