4 Ways to Support Your Body During Seasonal Transitions

Parsley Health
October 1, 2015

As the weather starts to cool, you may have noticed a slight shift physically. Perhaps you’re a tad congested. Maybe your digestion is off. Or maybe you keep finding yourself super tired at the end of the day.

Whether we realize it or not, our inner landscape is undergoing it’s own transition, right in alignment with the change in season. Our bodies instinctively adjust when the days get shorter and the temperature gets cooler.

Yet, sometimes that adjustment period can get stifled by a toxin build up. A few too many sweet summer cocktails, greasy BBQ fare, and lack of sleep can leave us with an abundance of bad stuff and a weakened immune system .

Cue the fall cold, foggy brain, and weight gain.

The secret to transitioning yourself and your body into a new season is self-care.

And here, we’ve got 4 recommendations for how to give your body the support it needs to thrive, so you feel light, energized, and detoxified this fall.

Detox. Summer tends to be an overindulgent and overcommitted time. Between weekend getaways, late nights, and being out of your usual routine, it’s easy to fall off track diet-wise. Now is a great time to give your body a chance to reset. The trick? Removing all foods from your diet that cause inflammation . Our 7-day or 21-day Detoxes are a great way to go! Check ‘em out here .

Pose. The change is season tends to feel unsettling. To ensure you stay grounded as the weather cools, we recommend doing the following yoga poses regularly. These specifically focus on supporting the lungs and large intestines which are organs associated with fall (according to Ayurveda).

Warrior I & Warrior II Pose.
Revolved Triangle Pose.
Camel Pose.

Sweat. Cardio exercise is essential to moving stagnant energy out of the body. When you get your heart rate up, fresh blood is pulses through the body, gathering up toxic build up and helping it move out. The result is a clearer head, an uplifted mood, and more energy.

Rest. Seasonal transition isn’t easy on the body, which is why getting enough sleep is key to feeling your best. Upon falling asleep, your body goes into repair-mode. When sleep is interrupted or pushed off, this vital phase of repair doesn’t happen efficiently, weakening your immune system and making your more susceptible to viruses and colds.

Be sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night, preferably hitting the pillow not later than 11pm.

If you’re feeling under the weather during this transition, step up and support your body. You may be surprised how incorporating at least one of the above tips into your life could make a world of difference.

Parsley Health is the doctor that helps you live healthier, longer, by treating the root cause of symptoms and conditions. Our medical teams—staffed by leading clinicians and health coaches—spend more time with you, order the right tests, and prescribe food, sleep and movement alongside medications so you can get better—and feel better.

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