This is How to Boost Your Immune System Today

Parsley Health
September 9, 2016

Tired of getting sick all the time?

The way we live today wages a constant battle on one of our body’s greatest defenders of our health—our immune system . Chronic stress, bad sleep , antibacterial everything and poor diet all erode our immunity on a regular basis.

The good news is that we can make some pretty easy changes to fix it. Living a healthy lifestyle is the best thing you can do to feel better today.

1. Get into a regular meditation routine

Meditation is always a work in progress for a lot of us, but just five minutes can still allow you to access the sense of calm and clarity that comes with a regular meditation practice. Not only is it a magnificent stress and anxiety buster, research shows  it ups our immune function too.

2. Try some herbal adaptogens

Herbs such as elderberry andrographis , chamomile and ashwagandha  help the body adapt to stress. A body well adapted to stress can better handle and fight off infection and bacteria that come its way. Try a cup of chamomile tea before bed. Chamomile has been used for centuries by herbalists as a gentle yet effective remedy to ease the nervous system. Research has proven  that this herbal ally is quite effective as a sleep aid too. Sleeping well is necessary for optimal immune function and this helps me get there.

3. Get some sleep

Getting a solid 8 hours of sleep a night is essential to feel your best. Many people get a second cortisol surge after 11pm – creating the wired and tired effect. It’s ideal to get yourself in bed before 11pm to avoid this as it’s bound to interrupt your sleep patterns and quality. Not only does proper sleep increase your immune function , but it’s also an important time for the body to detox and restore. Inadequate sleep increases the accumulation of toxic metabolic debris in the brain, and leads to sympathetic hyperactivity, so your parasympathetic system is turned down, thereby increasing cortisol, which leads to increased appetite weight gain and fatigue as well as a suppressed immune system.

4. Take a proven probiotic

Your microbes not only provide you with essential energy sources and vitamins you can’t make yourself, they also speak directly to your immune system, your brain and even your genes. We searched hard and settled on a multi-strain, shelf-stable, clinically proven probiotic that you can get here . Eat more fermented foods and pre-biotics (what your microbes feast on). You know the list – kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut and pre-biotic fibrous foods like the ones we tell you all about in this super popular blog post .

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